克丽丝·梅斯(《我们这一天》《美国恐怖故事》)将主演新片《不可能的事》(The Impossible),Fox 2000制作。基于Joyce Smith所著自传《The Impossible: The Miraculous Story of a Mother’s Faith and Her Child’s Resurrection》,讲述一个不同寻常的真实故事:Joyce14岁的儿子John在某个冬天掉进了密苏里州的一条冰河里,被宣告死亡,通过Joyce的祈祷和信仰,1个小时后,John的心脏再次跳动了起来,16天以后,John不靠外力走出了医院,完全康复了。 罗斯安·道森(《美国谍梦》《纸牌屋》)执导,Grant Nieporte(《七磅》)改编剧本,3月温尼伯开拍。When he was 14, Smith drowned in Lake Saint Louis and was dead for nearly an hour. According to reports at the time, CPR was performed 27 minutes to no avail. Then the youth's mother, Joyce Smith, entered the room, praying loudly. Suddenly, there was a pulse, and Smith came around.