呼叫助产士 第七季

原名:Call the Midwife   又名:

状态:8   更新:2023-08-20 09:08:08

第七季故事从1963年讲起,助产士们发现自己受到了前所未有的个人生活和专业上的考验。她们一起面对麻风病、中风和亨廷顿氏病等挑战,同时护士Crane发现她的权威受到意想不到的质疑,修女Monica Joan则被迫接受一场来自失败的考验,同时,西印度助产士Lucille Anderson的加入为这个团队带来了新的能量。   根据詹妮弗•沃斯回忆录改编的、英国广播公司(BBC)出品的剧集《呼叫助产士》讲述了上世纪五六十年代伦敦东区一群助产士的生活经历。剧集拥有庞大而忠实的观众群体,第六季的最高收视率超过了1100万。As the bitter winter continues new midwife Lucille Anderson, delayed by bad weather, eventually arrives in the middle of a power cut. She is Jamaican, prompting the other nurses to fear she may experience racism. Phyllis more concerned for elderly Ruth Gelin, dying of cancer but refusing to leave her soon-to-be demolished house and has to win over Sergeant Woolf to grant Ruth's wish. Meanwhile Lucille, though unwell, more than proves her worth helping Trixie deliver single mother Nadine's baby whilst Barbara helps Nadine plan for the future for herself and her child.
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