延续第一季的结尾,第二季是两家道馆的较量。在18岁以下的全谷空手道锦标赛上,眼镜蛇获胜后,约翰尼质疑他的道馆哲学,并面对他过去的自己。丹尼尔寻找正确的方式,来面对眼镜蛇的定位。本剧将由Classic字幕组翻译,已续订第三季!After Cobra Kai wins the All Valley karate tournament, an old "friend" comes to visit Johnny to see if he can help with training his students. Daniel opens Miyagi-Do karate and literally doubles his student roster. Tensions remain between Daniel and Johnny where Robby is concerned, and both Sensei Lawrence and Mister Larusso determine to rethink the ways they teach.