通信二团一连是个男女混编连,连里的女连长许兵雷厉风行、古道热肠,她的丈夫徐晓斌总是因为爱老婆而显得“怕老婆”。两人的战友分队长孟勇敢正值婚龄,许兵有意撮合他与分队长倪双影在一起,孟勇敢却对许兵的表妹唱东方一见钟情,唱东方也逐渐被孟勇敢身上善良阳光正直勇敢的品质吸引……在八小时之外的生活中,这群年轻人们不断面对来自生活的考验,终于收获了真挚的爱情与友情。New soldiers Xu Xiaobin and Xu Xiaobing often get mixed up during roll call due to their similar sounding names, and an annoyed Xu Xiaobing decides to change her name to Xu Bing. Later on, the pair of bickering friends pass the university entrance exams, and eventually get married to each other, much to the surprise of their comrades.