艾迪(赫丽岑·瓜尔迪奥拉 Herizen F. Guardiola 饰)和贝斯(玛洛·凯丽 Marlo Kelly 饰)是啦啦队里的中流砥柱,同时也是彼此最信赖的朋友。她们在啦啦队里一个负责发号施令,一个负责将口号落实,两人配合的可谓是天衣无缝,而她们的默契使得两人在竞争异常激烈的啦啦队中得以站稳脚跟。   队里来了一位名叫柯莱特(薇拉·菲茨杰拉德 Willa Fitzgerald 饰)新教练,这个身材迷人样貌美丽,举手投足之间尽显成熟女性美丽的女人很快就虏获了队员们的心,就连艾迪也无法自持的被她所吸引。在柯莱特的面前,只有贝斯保持着清醒,并且对这位新教练怀有着一丝丝的敌意。Based on Megan Abbott's acclaimed crime novel, this series follows the fraught relationship between two best friends after their charismatic new cheer coach arrives to bring their squad to prominence. Boundaries are crossed and the young women's lives are changed forever when a shocking crime rocks their quiet suburban world.