八岁的小男孩桑尼自幼聪颖很招大人喜欢,可惜的是他天生没有嗅觉,这让桑尼非常落寞和自卑。在一个平常的上学日,桑尼在探索生物教室的过程中,意外打翻了神秘的药水。吸入药水释放的气体之后,桑尼意外获得了异常灵敏的嗅觉,他不但可以闻出味道,而且能闻出人们的情绪以及感情,比如悲伤,喜悦等;更能分辨出人们刚刚去过哪里,将要去哪里。桑尼凭借着比狗更灵敏的嗅觉,成为了小镇上的民间侦探。这时小区里出现了一个偷车贼,桑尼帮助大家找寻失踪的汽车,没想到却揭开了一件更大的盗车案An eight-year-old Sunny Gill has always had a blocked nose, and therefore, no sense of smell. A freak accident gives Sunny the most refined sense of smell ever. The entire dog squad of the country's police force cannot sniff what he can. But is that enough for Sunny and his young pals Google and Twitter to combat a menacing & ruthless gang of car thieves? What starts out with tracing a single missing car in the housing society, ends up busting the heftiest car racket in the country. No villain could ever be as unlikely. But then, neither could the gang of detectives!