
原名:14 jours, 12 nuits   又名:14 Days, 12 Nights

状态:11播放   更新:2023-11-23 12:11:21

一场意外,让伊莎贝尔踏上前往越南的远途旅程。她回到女儿最初的故乡,绝望地企图捕捉逝去之人的余温。兜兜转转间她找到了养女的生母,两人在旅程中相知相熟。未想离别在即,伤痛与秘密却猝不及防地暴露在阳光下。影片用阒然清冷的色调与简明克制的对话,讲述动人的寻亲故事,探讨了社会历史背景中,血缘、家庭与文化间千丝万缕的连结。Isabelle Brodeur embarks on a journey to Vietnam, her adopted daughter's birthplace. Her path leads her to the woman who was once her daughter's nanny. Doing so, Isabelle learns the existence and whereabouts of her daughter's biological mother. Throughout this stunningly beautiful journey, Isabelle discovers her daughter's country through the eyes of the woman who brought her into this world. This pilgrimage of sorts, leads the two women to unveil their innermost secrets.
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