
原名:How I Spent My Summer Vacation   又名:Deadly Roulette

状态:19播放   更新:2023-08-21 12:08:23

暂无简介American Jack Washington is hiding in Paris under an assumed name. He also sports a beard to hide his facial traits. One day he finds a job ad in the local paper. The agency interviewing him is a front for a secret organization hired to find him. At the job interview, the interviewers guess his real identity and tell him that he is accepted for the post. The job itself is that of a male companion for billionaire Lewis Gannet who lives in a castle in the Alps at the Swiss-Italian border. Jack is taken there by helicopter and is uneasy about his employer's abode which looks like a fortress, complete with armed uniformed guards, guard dogs and hi-tech security. Lewis Gannet recognizes that his new hire is in fact Jack Washington and invites him to a briefing room where he requests that Jack tells him the whole story of how Jack got involved with the family of millionaire Ned Pine. Jack Washington starts reminiscing about how he used to date Nikki Pine, the spoiled daughter of the rich ...
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