
原名:Call the Midwife Christmas Special 2017   又名:

状态:23播放   更新:2023-08-21 12:08:21

1962年圣诞节,一场空前的大雪降临,大厅的水管爆裂,诊所不得不移至当地一家酒吧,因此酒吧原定的哑剧表演也被迫取消。房车内,怀孕的琳达和塞尔温相守在一起,但是他不是孩子的父亲,而琳达也面临着令人不安的早产俄危险。朱利安修女在拜访一位低体温症患者妻子时听到了一个令人震惊的关于家庭暴力的故事……新年到来了,哑剧终搬上舞台,而汤姆面临着一个艰难的决定……Christmas 1962 sees an unprecedently heavy snow fall and a burst pipe in the community hall requires the clinic to be held in a local pub as well as cancelling the pantomime. Valerie trawls through the drifts to the caravan where pregnant Linda is staying with the adoring Selwyn, who knows he is not her baby's father, for a potentially upsetting early birth whilst Sister Julienne hears a shocking story of domestic abuse when she visits the wife of a hypothermia victim. Come the New Year the pantomime goes ahead and Phyllis gets the better of an officious policeman but Tom is faced with a difficult decision.
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