★剧情介绍:瑞典人玛洛是一个事业很成功的女律师,生活严谨而有规律,把所有精力都投入到工作之中。而丹麦人赛门是一个儿童读物的作家,懂生活并做得一手好菜。因为工作的缘故,玛洛来到了丹麦,在机缘巧合之下两人碰到了一起,生出了许多令人啼笑皆非的误会,而最终两人走到了一起。 ★花絮短评:丹麦2009年喜剧片并入围奥斯卡原创歌曲提名。Circumstances force the unstructured yet charming Danish Bohemian novelist, Simon, to share his flat in Copenhagen with the very organized and beautiful Swedish lawyer, Malou. Simon dreams of children and a family. Malou is solely focused on her career. Despite being in opposition they warm up to each other. But even though opposites do attract - can they also manage to live together? Against all odds their meeting sets off a chain of events, which will ultimately change their lives forever.