
原名:我,喜欢你   又名:我喜欢你 / 喜欢你 / 终于等到你

状态:完结   更新:2024-05-26 11:05:19

小魔女顾胜男人生中最不可思议的事情,就是在惨遭失恋、失业双重打击后,等着王子骑着白马来拯救她,可谁料想这个王子竟是刁嘴又挑剔,毒舌且自大,升级版的“唐僧”,但是这个“唐僧”不吃素!毒舌又傲娇的吃货路晋与天才厨师顾胜男一见面就“相克、相煞”事故不断,却又每每被她精湛的手艺吸引。在这段鸡飞狗跳的相处过程中,两人宿命般地越靠越近。   终于有一天,霸道总裁路晋卸下了精英的高冷面具变身忠犬男友,小魔女褪去了刁蛮任性学会如何去爱,二人在美食中寻觅到简单的幸福。上帝偶尔会瞌睡,丘比特有时也会手抖,但命中注定的那个人终会踏遍千山万水与你相会。终于等到你,余生都是你。Working as an assistant chef at the Zijing Hotel, Gu Sheng Nan was a woman well on her way to making her dreams come true. Well situated, in a job that she loved, she was free to express herself through her food, as she sharpened her skills as a chef. In addition to having a great job, Sheng Nan soon learns that she may soon be out of a job, thanks to the hotel's impending acquisition. To make matters worse, an unfortunate misunderstanding lands her on the wrong side of her soon-to-be boss, the sharp-tongued CEO, Lu Jin. As a business prodigy, Lu Jin isn't afraid to make the tough decisions. Ready to condemn the Zijing Hotel, Lu Jin changes his mind after a happy accident brings one of Sheng Nan's dishes his way. A hardcore foodie, Lu Jin is impressed with Sheng Nan's skill as a chef and readily recognizes her talent. Sharing a love of food, this unlikely pair begins to form an unexpected bond that leads them to a place neither of them ever expected to be.
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