飞行精英 第一季

未知 英国  2020  未知

原名:Hoogvliegers   又名:Highflyers

状态:458播放   更新:2023-08-21 01:08:55

荷兰空战剧集《飞行精英》(Hoogvliegers,条目创建者暂译),本剧被誉为荷兰版《壮志凌云 》 。本剧讲述了在虚构的荷兰和俄罗斯军政关系紧张的背景下,一群年轻的荷兰皇家空军战斗机飞官,从新兵入伍到飞行训练再到前线作战的故事,包含政治惊悚、军事动作和爱情成长元素。本剧已于2020年1月开播,为8集迷你剧,荷兰皇家空军提供了技术支持。本剧制片地区为荷兰,由于豆瓣不识别该国,条目创建者暂时选用英国代替,系统识别后更正。High Flyers tells the story of Rutger, Guus, and Laila. We follow them during their years of heavy training to become a fighter pilot in the Royal Dutch Air Force, and we're with them when they finally go on a dangerous mission in the Middle East. We stand close to these friends in their eventful journey to adulthood, we share their camaraderie, their grief, their joy, love, and fear, in times of peace and times of war.
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