冬の夜、脚本家を目指す健二(小野塚勇人)は林道で、人形に五寸釘を打ち込む女性(白須慶子)を目撃。一度は逃げたものの恐怖におののきながらも脚本の題材にと人気のない森の奥へ向かった彼は、女の異様な息遣いと足音を耳にして一目散に逃げ出す。執拗(しつよう)に追い掛けてくる女から必死に逃げる途中で、助けを求めるが……。One cold midnight, Kenji was riding on a bicycle on trail in the woods...running away from his own life. When he saw a lady casting "Ushikoku" spell in the woods, a sleepless night begins. To cast 'Ushikoku' spell, the one must nail a doll down to a tree in the midnight shrine. If the spellcaster be seen castiing spell, he or she must kill the witness to complete the spell... On the way running away from the lady through the midnight city, he finds out that no one helps him, his old friends, police, nobody. And soon, everyone starts chasing him, being a part of the spell. Kenji decides to fight. Not for his life, but for his girl with sickness inside her.