
原名:George Wallace   又名:风云传奇

状态:127播放   更新:2023-08-21 02:08:37

「现在隔离!明天隔离!永远隔离!」这是阿拉巴马州长乔治华勒斯著名的口号;也因为这个理念,华勒斯登上美国的政治舞台,写下他感人的传奇的一生」政治态度摇摆于自由主义、隔离主义和和白人霸权之间,出身南方的华勒斯为了平息日见高涨的种族意识,特别专注于种族隔离与投票权的议题,他原本有机会问鼎白宫,却在1972年总统竞选期间遭人枪击,导致半身瘫痪。这个打击大可让他成为贡恨、固执的人,但他却从痛苦中领悟到更多,甚至还东山再起!A story about former Alabama governor George Wallace, whose views on racial segregation put him against the US government and at the forefront opposing the Civil Rights Movement. Mainly set from 1955 to 1972 with flashbacks, it tells the story of this governor, said to be in the USA, 'the greatest political loser of all time', having stood for the US presidency four times and losing each time. And how loss, pain and suffering would eventually lead him to renounce what he once stood for.
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