
原名:Mystère au Louvre   又名:

状态:101播放   更新:2023-06-03 05:06:09

Mercure是巴黎上流社会钦佩或敬畏的着名强盗,实际上是个女人,当晚在卢浮宫博物馆展出的那一晚,他们偷走了属于尤金妮皇后的珠宝,就算是精打细算。Mercure, a famous robber admired or feared by Parisian high society, is in fact - a woman. Constance de Coulanges - her real name - is about to pull off a masterstroke by stealing a set of jewels that belonged to Empress Eugénie on the night it is displayed at the Louvre Museum. To do so she hires Frédéric a handsome tightrope artist. Their endeavour becomes even more dangerous when Chief Inspector Thénard puts a price on Mercure's head and places the Louvre under tight security.
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