传说用耶稣在最后的晚餐中用到的圣杯喝水,便能长生不老。在一次掘金活动中,记载圣杯的碑石被发现,圣杯存在的可能吸引着大批的疯狂的人展开寻找。印第安纳琼斯博士(Harrison Ford饰)也是他们中的一员,甚至连他的父亲老琼斯(Sean Connery饰)也陷入其中——但他给琼斯留下圣杯的笔记后便不知所踪。 踏上威尼斯的土地,琼斯和事先约好的史奈达博士(Alison Doody饰)会面,他们在图书馆里凭线索找到圣盾后,却开始遭到莫名的来自十字剑兄弟的追杀。 一番波折后,琼斯终于找到了老琼斯,同时,史奈达的纳粹身份暴露,笔记被抢走。圣杯随时都有可能落入纳粹的手中。 于是,琼斯父子俩开始联袂上演拯救圣杯的精彩大戏!An art collector appeals to Jones to embark on a search for the Holy Grail. He learns that another archaeologist has disappeared while searching for the precious goblet, and the missing man is his own father, Dr. Henry Jones. The artifact is much harder to find than they expected, and its powers are too much for those impure in heart.