阿奇经营的海味生意面临倒闭,加上已欠下不小银行及财务公司的债务,最后只好将海味店双手奉献给人,以抵偿所有的欠债。阿奇的好友阿松是风水师,他怂恿奇借高利贷赌马来偿还欠款,奇在无计可施下答应。岂料马匹只跑了第二名,令阿奇多欠80万高利贷。没有工作,奇跟随松到处看风水混日子。某次到富豪六叔家看风水时,奇发现了夹万的位置,决定向六叔下手以渡过难关。六叔喜欢吃车仔面,所以奇在六叔家附近开了一间车仔面店以接近六叔。六叔果然中计,并对阿奇妻子诗诗有意。为了讨好六叔,众人努力钻研车仔面;经众人的努力,车仔面果然美味无穷,也因此令店里生意越来越好。奇经济好转,本打消偷取六叔夹万的计划。岂料车仔面店被食物环境卫生署查封,要暂时休业。奇唯有继续计划向六叔下手,但此时高利贷却向阿奇苦苦相迫……Kei owes a huge debt to banks and finance companies all over Hong Kong. He is tormented everyday, as he tries to find a way to come up with the money. One day, he learns of a safe deposit box in Uncle Sixth's house. Kei knows that Sixth's favorite food is Trolley Noodle, so Kei opens up a Trolley Noodle stand near Sixth's house so that he can break in. However, his business becomes extremely successful, and Kei begins to get his finances in order. But when the Food Hygiene Department closes down his shop, Kei has no choice but to go ahead with his plan to rob Uncle Sixth.