谁会想到,曾经令足球部少年们闻风丧胆的魔鬼教练北徹二(奥田瑛二 饰)竟然会一病不起。往日的粗暴专横不再,如今他有如寂寞的老人,兀自等待死亡的降临。不过,这起变故却也极大改善了北家父子的关系。现年27岁的北史郎(AKIRA 饰)当年也是父亲足球队的一员,但父亲并未对他青眼有加,反而愈加严厉。自从父亲病倒之后,史郎仿佛和父亲变成无话不说的好朋友,父子俩还相约痊愈后去恬静的湖边垂钓。某天,史郎无意间得知自己患上比父亲更为严重的癌症。他保守这个秘密,甚至祈祷父亲尽快死去,以避免承受白发人送黑发人的悲痛。纵使诸多不舍,分别的日子却渐渐临近……Shiro is twenty-seven years old and is tormented by his father's terminal cancer diagnosis. He copes by communicating his care and love to his father. We see the father and son relationship as it took form and evolved, the difficulties, the temperaments and how the man acted as his son's coach and instructor. Shiro has information he is concealing though and must take a step in that regard as well.