主人公本来是想通过尝试换下生活方式来打破目前的人生困境,却不料被别有用心的人设计陷入了一个人生困局中。当她受到陌生人鼓动尝试去交友网站上换屋之后,第一天一切都是那样的美好和喜悦,但是第二天醒来却是直接进入噩梦。先是被捕接受谋杀调查,然后一切证据都显示她就是凶手。幸好女主人公有着坚强的意志和清醒的头脑、敏捷的反应,明白目前的处境只有靠自己来解开谜团,因此寻机出逃自己调查,然而正当谜底快要揭开之时再度陷入绝境In Montreal, the unemployed fashion designer Sophie Malaterre is summoned by Claire Maras to show her work to her boss. When Sophie arrives in the company, Clare apologizes and tells that her boss is on vacation and will return only two months later. Clare invites Sophie to have lunch with her and tells Sophie about the website switch.com, where it is possible to switch houses with a stranger for vacation. Sophie seeks an apartment in Paris nearby the Eiffel Tower that belongs to Bénédicte Serteaux and they change apartments. Sophie arrives in Paris on Saturday morning and has a dream day riding a bicycle through the touristic area. However, on the next morning, policemen break in the apartment and arrest Sophie while she is having a bath. Detective Damien Forgeat interrogates Sophie believing that she is Bénédicte and she learns that a beheaded body was found in her room. Further, all the evidences of her life has been deleted and she can not prove that she is Sophie.