1995年冬天的底特律,每逢周末乐手们都会聚在一家名为The Shelter的Hip-Hop俱乐部进行一对一的为时一分钟的表演比赛,吉米•史密斯(艾米纳姆)是众多黑人乐手中另类的白,虽然他很有实力,却在每次上台表演时都会卡壳,只得到一片喝倒彩的嘲笑声。 除了要勇敢面对被起哄的人群轰下台的尴尬,吉米•史密斯还要应付与母亲(金•贝辛格)及同母异父的妹妹一起生活在狭小局促的拖车里的难堪。而母亲的男友、黑人与白人的平行线关系、他的工作和感情等等,也皆是他的压力。他试图冲破家庭与团体的束缚,用音乐表达出对生活的愤怒和不满,然而他首先要解决的,是战胜怯弱的自己。This is the inspiring captivating story of the legendary rapper Eminem. The troubled young aspiring rapper from a ghetto in Michigan must exert his last chances to become successful while dealing with his life in ruins. All is seemingly lost. He is now single, has only a few friends, an insane/alcoholic mother, and is dealt with poverty and living in a violent city on 8 mile. His only way out of the ghetto and torturous life he's living in is with his talent in rapping. Will B-Rabbit prevail and seize the shot he's given or will he let it slip?