阿洛佐(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington饰)是美国毒品缉查部的黑人警探,经验丰富,查案出色,对毒品案件有着敏锐的嗅觉。人称“魔幻之眼”。这天阿洛佐的部门来了一个新同事杰克(伊桑•霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰),杰克跟随阿洛佐深入到街头的每一个阴暗角落,发现这个城市光怪陆离的同时,也慢慢见识了阿洛佐亦正亦邪的办案手法。 阿洛佐虽然身为警探,手段却游走在法律边缘。他秉持“以毒攻毒”的原则,先把自己武装起来:没收罪犯的毒品自己服下,用枪指着杰克命令他跟着照做,他与贩毒分子甚至有着某种不寻常关系。但另一方面,他却奋力保护杰克这个年轻人,复杂的性格让杰克对这个神探上司捉摸不透。In Los Angeles, a city where streets are overrun by drug dealers, those who have sworn to uphold the law are breaking them to clean up the streets. Denzel Washington plays L.A.P.D. detective Alonzo Harris, a veteran narcotics officer whose methods of enforcing the law are questionable, if not corrupt. 'Training Day' follows Harris as he trains rookie Jake Hoyt over a 24-hour period. Ethical dilemmas arise for Hoyt as well as the audience as questions present themselves as to whether or not Harris' methodology for ridding the streets of South Central Los Angeles of drugs is right or wrong.