上了岁数的植物学家间宫周吉(菅井一郎 饰)及其家人住在北镰仓一带,长子康一(笠智衆 饰)是东京某医院的医生,女儿纪子(原节子 饰)在东京丸内贸易公司供职,担任经理佐竹宗太郎(佐野周二 饰)的秘书。 年轻貌美、落落大方的纪子已到适婚年龄,周围的好友也都相继成家,她却依旧待字闺中。父母兄长为了纪子的婚事各自用心,佐竹经理亦将出身名门的前辈真锅介绍给她。但是,纪子却独独倾心哥哥的同事矢部谦吉(二本柳寛 饰)——一个丧偶带着三岁女儿且捉襟见肘的男子…… 本片荣获1952年蓝丝带最佳女主角(原节子)、最佳摄影、最佳导演和最佳女配角(杉村春子)等四项大奖;1952年电影旬报最佳影片;1952年每日电影最佳女主角和最佳影片。In postwar Tokyo, this household is loving and serene: older parents, their 28-year-old daughter Noriko, their married son, his devoted wife, and two rascally sons. Their only discontent is Noriko's lack of a husband. Society is changing: she works, she has women friends who tease and argue, her brother sees her independence as impudence, she sees it as normal. When her boss suggests that she marry a 40-year-old bachelor who is his friend, all the members of her family press her to accept. Without seeking their advice, and to their chagrin, Noriko determines her own course of action.