在一个女子高中里面,女孩们吵吵闹闹,女孩们嬉笑怒骂,女孩们交换著日记,日记里写满了自己年轻的心事和不为人知的秘密。带著阳刚气的孤僻田径队健将和才华洋溢的钢琴手之间就有一本交换日记。钢琴手在日记本中写满了秘密,在同学眼中的这两个边缘人发展出一段暧昧脆弱的同性恋情。然而田径健将对这份感情的闪避且最终提出分手伤了钢琴手的心。一天她从学校顶楼跳下身亡。自此学校怪事连连。Min-Ah finds a strange diary, capable of arousing hallucinations, kept by two of her senior fellow-students, Hyo-Shin and Shi-Eun, who seem to have an unusually close bond. But Hyo-Shin suddenly kills herself, for no obvious reason, and the entire school is shocked and depressed. Min-Ah, however, starts to feel different. It's almost as if she's somehow possessed by the dead girl...