台熙(金芝禾 饰)和善宇(金贤珠 饰)两姐妹的父亲本事富家子弟,因为不顾他的父亲反对亲事而和妻子一起出走,妻子在产下善宇后撒手人寰。父亲带着在两姐妹贫困度日,在台熙14岁、善宇9岁时父亲查出患了癌症,得知自己不久于人世后,父亲去求自己的父亲照顾这对姐妹,不料话还没出口就被赶了出来。父亲在回来的路上出了交通意外身亡了,台熙和善宇打算来汉城找爷爷。不料在车站时台熙因为追赶偷了钱包的少年张在赫(韩宰锡 饰)而与善宇失散了,随后张在赫在台熙爷爷寻找她时获知她是富商的后人,于是带着台熙找到了金家。随后台熙和在赫都被祖父送到了美国读书,而善宇被当年撞伤她的货车司机收养了,过着清贫的日子。台熙学成归国后,一边打理金家的事业,一边开始派人四出了找寻当年丢失的妹妹善宇……This drama is about the lives of Tae Hee and Yun Hee, two sisters whose mother died while giving birth to Yun Hee. Their father, who loves them dearly, married their mother without their paternal grandfather's consent, and deprived of any familial support, the sisters and their father struggle to make ends meet even as their father faces a life-threatening illness. This drama follows Tae Hee and Yun Hee into adulthood as, separated by a cruel twist of fate, the girls come to lead very different lives, oblivious of one another.