一场在丹麦地方富绅海吉豪宅中举行的周末家庭聚会,是为了庆祝他六十岁大寿而筹办的。他的儿子与媳妇、女友与男友,还有几位亲友齐聚一堂为他庆生。不过原来该是融洽的热闹的晚宴,却笼罩着诡异的气氛,仿佛海吉两周前自杀身亡的女儿阴魂犹在。岂知早逝女孩的双胞兄弟击杯起身发言,控诉父亲乱伦并谋杀亲生女儿,引爆了席间的争议对立。而在此状况下,这群人不得不采取先发制人的手段……The Father turns 60. His family, which is a big one of the kind, gathers to celebrate him on a castle. Everybody likes and respects the father deeply...or do they? The youngest son is trying to live up to the father's expectations. He is running a grill-bar in a dirty part of Copenhagen. The oldest son runs a restaurant in France, while the sister is a anthropologist. The older sister has recently committed suicide and the father asks the oldest son to say a few words about her, because he is afraid he will break into tears if he does it himself. The oldest son agrees without argument. Actually he has already written two speeches. A yellow and a green one. By the table, he asks the father to pick a speech. The father chooses green. The oldest son announces that this is the Speech of Truth. Everybody laughs, except for the father who gets a nervous look on his face. For he knows that the oldest son is about to reveal the secret of why the oldest sister killed herself.