一名新锐作家,在某一个周末告别女友前往纽约,担任大学挚友(目前是知名橄榄球员)婚礼的伴郎。谁知道他即将出版的第一本小说的‘抢先版’,竟先被电视台工作的死党(也是他曾爱慕的女人)流出给大学时代的死党们阅读。尽管该小说注明要献给过去的大学死党们,但由于人物与内容皆是七分真实三分虚构,作家急欲在婚礼前收回该本‘抢先版小说’,以免发生任何事情妨碍婚礼的进行。于是,这一个周末,这一场婚礼,成了男主角人生中最关键的时刻,因为他必须同时面对自己的过去、现在,与未来。Harper's autobiographical novel is almost out, his girlfriend Robin desires commitment, and he's best man at the wedding of Lance, a pro athlete. He goes to New York early (Robin will come for the wedding) to hang out with Lance and other friends, including Jordan, his former almost-lover, now in media and privy to an advance copy of the book. The men discuss women, never facing their own double standard; Jordan wants to try again with Harper, at least for one night; and Harper fears that Lance will read his book and learn that the bride-to-be slept with him once to avenge Lance's many affairs. Can Harper mature before Lance kills him, Jordan seduces him, and he loses Robin?