希腊小岛塞佛伦尼亚岛,纯美恬静,仿若世外桃源。岛民世代居住生活在这里,与世无争。然而二战烽烟很快打破了这份宁静祥和。意大利军团上尉安东尼奥·柯莱利(尼古拉斯·凯奇饰)带领士兵驻扎进小岛,双方都保持着敌对的距离。跟随柯莱利的唯有一把排遣孤寂的曼陀林琴。一次偶然的机会,柯莱利邂逅当地姑娘佩拉吉娅(佩内洛普·克鲁兹饰)。两人在最初的相处中格格不入,但佩拉吉娅优雅的举止与坚韧的性格很快打动了柯莱利的心,柯莱利天籁般的琴声也令佩拉吉娅神往不已。然而美好的时光总是如此短暂,随着战事的日益临近,坠入爱河的两人不得不做出最后的抉择。 这部发生在二战硝烟战火中感人至深的爱情故事《战地情人》,改编自英国著名作家路易斯·德·伯尔涅斯的畅销小说《柯莱利上尉的曼陀林》。女主角佩内洛普·克鲁兹凭借此片荣获2001年第14届欧洲电影奖“观众-最佳女演员”提名。In 1941, Italy allies with Germany and ruthlessly conquers the much weaker country of Greece. On a remote Greek island, an Italian artillery garrison is established to maintain order. One Italian officer, Captain Corelli, adopts an attitude of mutual co-existence with the Greeks and engages in such activities as music festivals and courting the daughter of a local doctor. In 1943, however, after Italy surrenders to the Allies and changes sides in the war, Captain Corelli must defend the Greek island against a German invasion.