一家公司派人到刚果寻找纯度极高的钻石,并将发现进行卫星传送。但从寻像上看,那里似乎发生了突发事件,似乎还看到某种体形巨大的动物。公司只好继续派人到现场查明真相。灵长类动物学家彼得.埃利奥特带着艾美——一只8岁的大猩猩前往。但是,热带雨林是另一个天地,在那里主宰一切的可不是这些城市人的意志。这是一个表现人类和动物复杂关系的故事。影片借助电脑栩栩如生地表现了艾美的动作,情节惊险曲折,激动人心。A megalomaniac C.E.O. sends his son into the dangerous African Congo on a quest for a source of diamonds large enough and pure enough to function as powerful laser communications transmitters (or is it laser weapons?). When contact is lost with his son and the team, his sometime daughter- in-law is sent after them. She is a former CIA operative and, accompanied by gee-whiz gadgetry and a few eccentric characters (including a mercenary, a researcher with a talking gorilla, and a a nutty Indiana-Jones-type looking for King Solomon's Mines), sets out to rescue her former fiancé. What they all discover is that often what we most want turns out to be the source of our downfall.