伊莉莎白还未伤愈,就直接投入了新的任务,但进行的并不顺利。她和菲利普因此卷入了更麻烦的处境。女儿佩吉对父母的身份越来越有怀疑。同时,斯坦已经完全沉迷在与俄罗斯女特工的感情中,无法自拔,以致被对方玩弄于鼓掌之间。Elizabeth comes back from her injury and straight into what should have been a routine mission - but it goes awry, leaving her and Philip in fear not only for themselves but for their whole network... and family. Paige's suspicions have only grown in her mother's absence. Meanwhile, Stan continues to fall for the Russian agent who has started to play him.