時は明治十一年。急速な欧米化に伴い、政府に不満を持つ人々が増え、監獄は囚人で埋まり、脱獄も後を絶たなかった。そこで政府は、滋賀県琵琶湖に重犯罪者専用の檻、日本最大・脱出不可能な湖の監獄、獄門処を設ける。その監獄への橋渡し人を請け負う曇家の三兄弟が織り成す大冒険活劇の幕が上がる……!The story of three brothers who live in a place that is always cloudy because of the curse of a great demon snake that is reborn every 300 years. Tears will be shed and smiles will be shed as these brothers, along with old and new friends, find a way to beat this horrible monster.