在妻子莉(朱迪·汤普森 Jody Thompson 饰)去世一年后的圣诞节,年轻有为的医生泰伦斯·赛德(艾瑞克·麦柯马克 Eric McCormack 饰)驱车带着女儿辛希娅(科娜·德维利 Conner Dwelly 饰)和儿子杰克(瑞恩·格莱瑟姆 Ryan Grantham 饰)前往位于某个山林腹地的小木屋共度佳节。一路上车马劳顿,加上半路突发的一个小车祸,这些都没有冲淡孩子们心中对快乐的期待。夜幕降临,辛希娅和杰克,沉沉睡去,泰伦斯物资怀念着妻子生前的种种,可就在此时,一张恐怖的面孔从窗口一闪而过。 在此之后,赛德父子三人时不时会发现奇怪的影像与痕迹,似乎有某种神秘而未知的东西逡巡在他们的周围。在这个大雪纷飞、信号全无的孤寂所在,最恐怖的经历渐次展开……This movie is about the Shade family, a year after the death of the mother/wife Leah, the husband and father (Eric McCormack) and his two children go to a cabin retreat in the mountains. While there they are tormented by visions and happenings that start to scare them. But are these incidents real or in their minds? The father feels compelled to barricade them in the cabin in order to keep them safe. But will it work out?