一名银行主管像往常一样来到公司上班,随后却开枪杀了两名上司,之后静静地坐在自己的办公室里等待着死亡。影片最后九十分钟都在分析研究是怎样一系列事件逼迫着主人公走上了绝境。没有一丝黑色幽默,《清晨的枪声》以一种严谨、发人深省的视角剖析了人类的精神危机。Monday morning. Paul Wertret, 50, heads off to his job as a manager at the International Credit and Trade Bank. He arrives at 8 o'clock on the dot, as usual. He enters a meeting room, takes out a gun and kills two of his bosses. Then he locks himself in his office. As he waits for the inevitable police assault, this ordinary man looks back over his life and the events that led him to commit such an act.