真相与幻想之间的界限是什么?感官是否能助我们认识世界?影片用一个摄影师的故事,铺开了一系列哲学、心理学的问号。 主角是摄影师托马斯(戴维·海明斯 David Hemmings饰),某天他在公园里抓拍到年轻情侣的系列照片,出人意表的是,照片中的一个女子简(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave饰)竟然不惜一切代价要回她的底片。这让托马斯非常疑惑,他相信这张照片许是拍下了某些不可告人的秘密。果然,他把照片放大后,看到了一具尸体和一个拿着枪的人。 一桩谋杀案的雏形在托马斯脑中展开。他前往公园寻到了尸体,但没有人肯相信他的推测,朋友们不愿意和他一起调查这是怎么回事。第二天,当托马斯再次来到公园,发现尸体已经消失无踪。只剩下一群人进行着一场虚拟的网球赛,打着并不存在的的网球。A successful mod photographer in London whose world is bounded by fashion, pop music, marijuana, and easy sex, feels his life is boring and despairing. Then he meets a mysterious beauty, and also notices something frightfully suspicious on one of his photographs of her taken in a park. The fact that he may have photographed a murder does not occur to him until he studies and then blows up his negatives, uncovering details, blowing up smaller and smaller elements, and finally putting the puzzle together.