高钊文(吴奇隆 饰)是一位前途无量的青年漫画家,某日,刚刚失恋不久的他遇见了名为阿珍(朱茵 饰)美丽女子,因为两人使用的是同一支手机铃声,深感缘分神奇,两人很快就坠入了爱河走到了一起。 可是,就在阿珍以为终于等来了属于自己的幸福之时,她最好的朋友乔伊斯(齐芷瑶 饰)忽然现身横刀夺爱,与此同时,乔伊斯患上了不治之症时日无多。痛苦之中,善良的阿珍选择了默默离开,成全自己最爱的男人和最好的朋友。一晃眼三年过去,这三年里,虽然高钊文和乔伊斯有了他们的孩子,但高钊文的心中一刻也没有忘记过阿珍。某日,高钊文在酒吧中遇见了一位和阿珍样貌极为相像的女子,他是否能够抓住这次不会再来的机会?Man has been dumped by his ex-girlfriend Jenny. When he meets Jean he is finally able to forget Jenny, quoting a line about how they met on Valentine's Day and that it fell on the same day in both the Chinese and Western calendars. Their relationship builds wonderfully, until Jean's best friend Joyce comes back into Man's life. Joyce had fallen for Man earlier when he was a senior at university, and still harbors feelings for him. As Joyce starts to hint at how she feels, it begins to cause ripples in Man and Jean's relationship.