讲述二战后在纽伦堡提审德国纳粹计划的法律关系者,三个被告提审的原因是给犹太人施行断种手术。担任主审判长的是美国人赫鲁特,他主张其中两个被告无罪;而德国司法部长亚林克竟对此事保持沉默,但检查官罗森上校却激烈的指责被告,因此三个人展开激烈的辩论。审讯继续进行下去。而美国的高级官员们希望能在审判中获提德国所犯罪行的良好证明,因此对审判施以极大的压力,但赫鲁特坚守法律的正义立场,给予了最公正的判决。在宣布判决结果时,只有亚林对赫鲁特审判长的态度表示赞赏。It has been three years since the most important Nazi leaders had already been tried. This trial is about 4 judges who used their offices to conduct Nazi sterilization and cleansing policies. Retired American judge, Dan Haywood has a daunting task ahead of him. The Cold War is heating up and no one wants any more trials as Germany, and Allied governments, want to forget the past. But is that the right thing to do is the question that the tribunal must decide.