一位年轻的考古学家被卷入了一次危险的探险旅途。在这次旅途中他们将探寻埃及无垠的沙漠,在古代神兽的陷阱中死里逃生,并且探寻埋藏在古埃及深处的秘密。前方无尽的危险正在靠近,“沉睡者”即将被唤醒,上帝即将显灵……与此同时,世界末日的倒计时已经开始。A young American archaeological apprentice (Charvet) is drawn into a perilous expedition deep beneath the timeless sands of Egypt. Escaping death traps and ancient monsters, the expedition discovers a secret older than history, and a danger beyond imagination. The "sleepers" have awoken. The gods have arisen. And, the countdown to the end of the world has begun...