任何夫妻之间都有秘密。有些谎言、虚伪连对家人都难以启齿。 石和家是在日本十分平凡的一家人,然而家中的三代人都活在伪装的面具下。这看似不可思议,或是异想天开。然而,实际上家庭丑闻在人们生活中是处处存在的,只是未被发现而已。这并非一个特别家庭的故事。如果一个家族的所有秘密、伪装同时被暴露在他人眼中,会有怎样的后果呢?此剧讲述的就是突然被遇上家族危机的石和家的故事。家人之间的羁绊备受考验。获胜的究竟是爱,亦或是欲呢?The Isawas are the average, ordinary Japanese family. Husband Yasuhiko and wife Yukari are the owners of Isawaya, a restaurant that serves set meals in the old downtown district of Tokyo. They are a happy couple despite their contrasting characters. But the sudden appearance of Takagi Rui, the girlfriend their eldest son Haruhiko, and Yukari's mother Mimatsu Hanae, who has been out of touch since she divorce her husband, expose a secret of this three-generation family and family ties are tested.