少女金伯莉(A.J. Cook 饰)与好友驱车去郊外游玩,途中她预见一场严重的连环交通事故,而自己和朋友也将命丧其中。猛然惊醒的金伯莉将车横在路中央,阻挡了后面的车辆。然而车祸仍然发生,金伯莉侥幸逃过一劫,另有六人从灾难中逃生。这奇异的经历让众人想起180号航班幸存者的故事。 正如他们预料的那样,死神不会放过任何一个逃跑者。这些幸存者按照他们本该在车祸中死去的顺序一个接一个在各种巧合和意外中死去,金伯莉成为最后的生者。她得知180航班幸存者克莉尔(Ali Larter 饰)仍然健在,她希望从克莉尔那里得到逃脱死神魔爪的办法……Clear Rivers has been living life in a mental hospital after the bizarre events that lead to the deaths of her friends. One day, she is approached by a girl named Kimberly who believes she had a premonition similar to her friend Alex who died. Clear has to either risk her life helping others, or stay inside the hospital the rest of her life waiting for her death to come. What will she do?