少年平安(梁靖康 饰)患有自闭症,因自己身上显露的运动天赋在羽毛球运动中获得肯定,在与弟弟子豪(祝子杰 饰)的合作中不断成长。小娜(杨超越 饰)是羽毛球馆的打工少女,性格俏皮开朗,与兄弟二人关系亲近,对子豪暗生情愫。然而成长的道路上没有一帆风顺,当兄弟二人身处运动生涯抉择的岔路口,当三人背后家庭的连结浮出水面,一场冲突与救赎的温情治愈故事就此展开。 “不感谢苦难,只感谢有你陪伴。”Ping-an is an autistic teenager who was often bullied by his peers. With the help of his "brother" Zi-hao, not only they discover his incredible badminton talent, but also realize that they make a great team. However, all the matters which Ping-an have caused makes Zi-hao to feel displeasure. With the help from Xiao-na, a girl working at the badminton court, and their widowed moms. Can the two conquer all the fears, difficulties and weaknesses to become the top in the badminton field?