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原名:ヌードの夜 愛は惜しみなく奪う   又名:

状态:HD中字   更新:2024-05-26 04:05:37

在充满腐败气息的破落街区,居住着一个平凡无奇的男子,他名叫红次郎(竹中直人 饰),干着号称替人代办各种事情的营生。某天,自称加藤怜(佐藤寛子 饰)的女孩找到红次郎,请求他帮忙寻找抛撒父亲骨灰时不慎丢失的劳力士手表。怜和母亲亚由美(大竹しのぶ 饰)、姐姐小桃(井上晴美 饰)经营着一家艳舞夜店,所谓抛撒骨灰不过是一个谎言,加藤母女暗中干着保险金杀人的勾当。不久,怜再次找到红次郎,请求他寻找名叫多绘的女人。为这个天使般的女孩所吸引,红次郎不知不觉进入一个充满危机的粉红漩涡中……   本片为1993年石井隆执导的同名作品《裸体之夜》的续篇,荣获2010年电影旬报十佳影片第10名、第32回横滨电影节十佳影片第8名。Jiro (Naoto Takenaka) is a man who can do anything for you for a price. Part odd jobs man and part private eye he takes on tasks as simple as clearing out storage lockers to tracking down lost items. That's what he's asked to do by a beautiful young woman (Hiroko Sato) who shows up at his warehouse living space one afternoon. This young woman asks Jiro to help her track down a lost Rolex watch that she says was accidentally thrown out of a helicopter while she was scattering the ashes of her late father. Jiro knows the story isn't true, but he needs the money so he and the young woman begin poking around miles of woodland in the proverbial search for a needle in a haystack. Miraculously Jiro finds the wrist watch, but it looks to be caked in rotting meat. Needy but not stupid Jiro hands the watch over to a sympathetic police woman he knows for analysis. Little does Jiro know that the discovery of this Rolex will lead to another case, one filled with violence, sex and danger, one that will lead him directly into the heart of darkness.



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