五月(安吉拉·贝蒂斯 Angela Bettis 饰)是一个个性孤僻喜欢独处的女孩,但除此之外,她和其他的女孩并没有什么不同。目前,五月在一家兽医诊所里担任助手的职务,这卑微的工作让她觉得颜面无光。其实在内心里,五月十分希望能够邂逅一场甜蜜的爱情,可是这样的机会迟迟没有 到来。 小镇上来了一个机修工,他英俊帅气的外表很快就吸引了五月的目光,她梦寐以求的浪漫遭遇眼看着就快要展开。没想到,致命的打击随之而来,机修工以五月的行为举止过于怪异为由拒绝了五月的试好,在绝望中,五月的内心里燃气了复仇的火焰,她要报复那些自以为是的男人们,将他们折磨,杀死,然后做成人偶,这样他们就可以永远的陪伴在她的身边了。When May was a child, she was a lonely girl with a lazy eye and without any friends except a weird and ugly doll kept in a glass case given by her bizarre mother on her birthday. May becomes a lonely, weird young woman, working in an animal hospital and assisting the veterinarian in surgeries and sewing operated animals most of the time. Her lesbian colleague Polly has a sort of attraction for her. When the shy May meets the mechanic Adam Stubbs, she loves his hands and has a crush on him. They date, but the weirdness and bizarre behavior of May pushes Adam away from her. Alone, May has a brief affair with Polly, but she feels rejected again when her colleague meets Ambrosia. When her doll is accidentally broken, the deranged May decides to build a friend for her, using the best parts her acquaintances can offer.