法国儿童题材喜剧,根据畅销漫画改编,心地善良且富于幻想的12岁少女露,从小和天真烂漫的妈妈相依为命,在她缤纷的生活中有两项重要任务,一是每天偷偷观察对面男孩的一举一动、记录他的生活点滴;二是帮她宅到无可救药的妈妈找到人生新目标。一天,当一位潇洒不羁的音乐家搬进了她们的公寓大楼,不仅惊动了这对母女单纯平静的生活,也让露渐渐走出幻想的泡泡、踏入更辽阔精采的世界。12 1/2 Lou lives alone with her absurdly immature mother, Emma. She spends her days playing with cat, eating at a italian restaurant, and spying on her dreamy neighbor Tristan, obsessively journaling his every move. But all this changes with arrival of the new bohemian neighbor, Richard, who ignites her goofy mother's romantic interest and triggers a series of increasingly embarrassing episodes.