在二次元中,高中生桂木桂马(下野紘 配音)拥有着耀眼的“攻略之神”的名号,年仅17岁的他,就以曾经攻略过10000名女性的光辉事迹闻名于宅男圈,当然仅限于在游戏中。可是现实里的桂马,却是一个个性极为冷漠的少年,对于三次元的女性完全打不起精神。某一日,一个叫做艾露西(伊藤加奈惠 配音)的可爱少女出现在了桂马的面前,艾露西告诉桂马,她是来自冥界的恶魔,此次前来是为了请求桂马帮助她完成她的使命——驱魂。而驱魂的最好方法,就是使被驱魂者陷入恋爱的状态中,而攻略之神桂马,毫无疑问成为了这使命的最佳帮手。
桂马答应了艾露西的请求并和她结下了契约,没想到,这契约居然还关系着桂马的性命!于是,对于桂马来说,把妹,居然变成了一件十分危险的事情。©豆瓣Keima Katsuragi prefers immersing himself in the 2D world, chasing digital girlfriends. However, after answering a mysterious email he finds himself bound by a contract helping the demon Elsie capture 'lost souls' from the underworld. He must now win over these real-life ladies in order to fill the void in their hearts which these souls have entered, releasing the souls and allowing for their capture. Also to further motivate, if he does not perform this 'duty' a collar around his neck will explode.